Certain outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, retrieving balls or flying discs can provide a good outlet for expending energy. The ideal Dogo Argentino is a study in harmony. Ce site est Elles doivent être cohérentes et inculquées avec fermeté, mais sans brutalité. Ideal height: Males: 25 to 251⁄2 inches, Females: 241⁄2 to 25 inches. Developed to find, chase and catch dangerous game the Dogo must have a good nose, great lung capacity, and a powerful, yet agile, muscular build. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 24-26.5 inches (male), 24-25.5 inches (female), 88-100 pounds (male), 88-95 pounds (female). Nous espérons que votre visite sera agréable et que vous trouverez dans ces pages les informations que vous en attendez. The ideal Dogo Argentino is a study in harmony. Neck – Thick, strong, and arched, yet elegant. CHAMPION DU MONDE 2006. His short, plain and smooth coat is completely white, but a dark patch near the eye is permitted as long as it doesn’t cover more […]. Les yeux du Dogue Argentin sont de couleur foncée (noir ou marron) et en forme d’amande. Rear feet similar to front feet but slightly smaller. réalisé par Bérengère ABAT, les textes et Dogo Argentinos are a large breed. Le maître idéal du dogue argentin sera une personne responsable, calme et équilibrée, qui a du temps à lui consacrer et déjà initiée à l’éducation canine. Join Facebook to connect with Lara Bond and others you may know. Dew claws may be removed. chiens Cane Corso (Chien De Cour Italien) Dogue Argentin Elevage de passionnés nous nous trouvons dans le département du Lot. The chest is broad and deep, giving the impression of large lungs. Skull – Solid and convex, both length and widthwise, due to the relief created by the insertion of the powerful biting and nape muscles. Je souhaite apporter un maximum d'amour à mes chiens et c'est pour cela que je souhaite que mon élevage reste de taille modèste. Head – Powerful and balanced. Notre sélection d'élevages et éleveurs de chiens Dogue argentin.Trouvez un chiot Dogue argentin à l'achat dans le département Eure grâce à notre annuaire de professionnels ! Résultats Du Championnat Du Monde 2006, cliquez ici... Eleveur signataire de la charte de qualité CFDA / Siret : 479 671 612 000 14 - N° Eleveur : 941274 Dernière mise à jour le 11 Juillet 2014 The length from the brow bone to the tip of the nose is the same length as the distance from the brow bone to the occiput. Il est déconseillé de stimuler son agressivité. En France il est classé dans le groupe 2 des molosses dans la classifications des races. Nos chiens sont bien équilibrés et de bon caractère qui font d'excellents compagnons et d'excellents gardiens de propriété, de par leur physique impressionnant. L'élevage est agréé Saint-Hubert. Notre travail est basé sur une selection stricte et rigoureuse à partir de sujets précis, de lignées et de caractère, pour le respect du standard de la race. The Dogo is instantly identifiable by his short, completely white coat. D'une tendance un peu dominante avec les autres mâles, ses rapports ne sont pas toujours des plus simples. Blue eye(s) or any blue in the eyes is a disqualification. Back and Topline – The withers are pronounced. Nous vous aidons à trouver un éleveur de Dogue argentin reconnu près de moi. Shoulders are laid back, with great muscular development, yet are not exaggerated. Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Tous mes Dogos sont LOF, et je ne produis que … Approximate Weights: Males: 88 to 100 pounds, Bitches: 88 to 95 pounds. Passionné par le Dogue Argentin depuis 1999, nous avons été séduit par cette race. The measurement from the brow bone to the tip of the nose is the same length as the measurement from the brow bone to the occiput. WORLD CHAMPION 2006. Pour peu qu’il ait été socialisé dès son plus jeune âge, il cohabite plus facilement avec d’autres animaux. Beyond regular weekly grooming, the occasional bath will keep your dog clean and looking their best. Our clients include many … Recommended Health Test from the National Breed Club: This breed has its origin in the province of Cordoba, in the central (Mediterranean) region of the Republic of Argentina. Ears – Set at the highest points of the sides of the skull. Revoir l'émission de 30 millions d'amis: Cliquez ici !! The ratio of cranial length is equal to cranial width. Sa queue, épaisse et large, est longue et tombe jusqu’au jarret. soit, faite sans le consentement de Bérengère ABAT est When viewed in profile, the stop appears more defined due to the prominence of the supraorbital ridges (brow). Notre élevage de dogue argentin a démarré quelque temps après, j'avais trouvé le chien de mes rêves, imposant, dissuasif, sportif, joueur et surtout un cœur gros comme CA ! images sont la propriété de Cazador Del Pampa.. Toute reproduction A black spot anywhere other than on the head is a disqualification. The Dogo gives the impression of explosive power and energy. Long hair is a disqualification. At rest it hangs down naturally, in action or when trotting it is raised approximately 45 degrees to the topline, and is amply curved in an arc. In general, the Dogo Argentino is a healthy dog with few genetic problems. His strong head is supported by a thick, but elegant neck that connects to a balanced body, which is sustained by straight, substantial forelegs and very muscular, medium-angulated hindquarters. Exercise can also come in the form of indoor activities, like hide-and-seek, chasing a ball rolled along the floor, or teaching them new tricks. Lara Bond is on Facebook. The body is slightly off square; The length of the body (measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock) may exceed the height at the withers by no more than 10 percent. The general appearance and overall balance of the Dogo Argentino, with utmost consideration given to type is a first priority. Noses that are only partially pigmented in adult specimens are to be severely penalized. Depending on the size of your dog as an adult you are going to want to feed them a formula that will cater to their unique digestive needs through the various phases of their life. In 1973 the breed was accepted by FCI as the first and only Argentinean breed, thanks to the great passion, work and effort of Dr. Augustin Nores Martinez, its creator’s brother and successor. Est-ce qu’il correspond vraiment à vos attentes, est-ce qu’il a le même caractère que vous etc… ? The Dogo Argentino’s head gives him his unique stamp. Elevage exclusif de Dogue Argentin N° SIRET : 41810463400021. The tail is medium set, appearing as a continuation of the spine. à des poursuites judiciaires et des sanctions pénales. Nos chiens se distiguent autant sur les rings d'expositions de beauté que dans la forêt. In Argentina, the Dogo Argentino is bred to hunt big game, primarily boar and mountain lion. Notre Elevage Familial est basé sur le fruit d'un travail de séléction depuis une douzaine d'années en prenant soins de respecter le standart. Élevage familial de dogue argentin et de shar pei dans ... Voir la fiche. Special attention is then devoted to the head; followed by individual body components for correctness, and the gait thoroughly evaluated for efficiency. Thus it became quickly an excellent big-game hunting dog. Les chiots ont tendance à se montrer timi… The Dogo Argentino has been assigned the Working Group designation. Curled tails are to be penalized. Fermement opposés à l'élevage intensif, nous appliquons une tolérance zéro pour les pratiques d'élevage irresponsables.Nous nous assurons que les éleveurs inscrits sur notre plateforme élèvent leurs chiots avec amour, préférant la qualité à la quantité. A longitudinal groove, created by the relief of the dorsal muscles, runs along the dog’s spine. Without dewclaws. The loins are short and muscular. Proportion – The measurement from the brow bone to the tip of the muzzle is the same length as the measurement from the brow bone to the occiput. If you are unable to find your Dogue de Bordeaux puppy in our Puppy for Sale or Dog for Sale sections, please consider looking thru thousands of Dogue de Bordeaux Dogs for Adoption. Elevage exclusif de dogue argentin depuis 1994, notre affixe est ... Voir la fiche. Its harmony, balance and its excellent athletic muscles are ideal characteristics for enduring long trips in any weather conditions and then fighting fiercely with the pursued prey. Full dentition is recommended. Developed to find, chase and catch dangerous game the Dogo must have a good nose, great lung capacity, and a powerful, yet agile, muscular build. Comparing two dogs of equal quality, the whiter is preferred. Working with a responsible breeder, prospective owners can gain the education they need to learn about specific health concerns within the breed. The front feet have short and tight-fitting toes (cat foot); pads are strong, thick, and preferably black. The skin is very thick and wrinkled, without forming excessive dewlap. Vous êtes éleveur de Dogue Argentin et vous n'êtes pas encore présent dans notre annuaire de race ? Seen from the side the topline should not have any depression. Bite and Jaw Structure – The jaw bones are well-developed, strong, and fit together correctly, not being over or undershot. The Dogo Argentino was developed in Argentina by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez in the 1920s. Elevage de Dogue argentin Retrouvez tous les éleveurs en France de Dogue argentin, mais avant d’en adopter un, il est important de se renseigner à son sujet pour faire le bon choix. Sa tête est caractéristique de la race, avec un museau semblable à ceux des chiens flaireurs et un crâne de chien de prise. Broad, with very muscular thighs and short rear pasterns (Moderate angulation in balance with the forequarters.) Browse thru Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies for Sale near Dallas, Texas, USA area listings on PuppyFinder.com to find your perfect puppy. Muzzle and Nose – The muzzle is strong, a bit longer than deep, well developed in width, with the sides slightly converging. loupsaphrodite@bbox.fr Présentation Races L'Élevage Replacement : Comportementaliste: Témoignages: Juste-pour-rire: Pension ... Elevage de chats burmése anglais, burmése américain et Sphynx, The size of the spot must be in proportion to the size of the head, not exceeding 10 percent of the latter. The hair on the tail is short. Share In Argentina, the Dogo Argentino is bred to hunt big game, primarily boar and mountain lion. The power of the Dogo’s bite comes from the angulation on the bottom jaw. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. The length of the body (measured from the point of the shoulder to point of the buttock) may exceed the height at the withers by 10 percent. Le Dogue Argentin est un molossoïde de type dogue. Its strength, tenacity, sharp sense of smell and bravery make it the best dog among those used for hunting wild boars, peccaries, pumas and other country predators which can be found in the vast and heterogeneous areas of the Argentinean territory. Its creator was Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, a (renowned) doctor and member of a traditional family. The Dogo Argentino Club of America is the official AKC Parent Club for the Dogo Argentino and has been an active registry and club since 1985. Lack of bone and muscle development is to be severely penalized. Races de chiens les + recherchées. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. Their strong, fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting and cracking. Customarily, the ears are cropped, erect or semi-erect, and triangular in shape. We are based in Argentina, the breed’s country of origin. Élevages de chiens de race Dogue argentin en Belgique pour acheter votre chiot. Élevage Dogue Argentin Du Domaine De Matepouilh Pension canine Éducation canine His work was based upon the methodical crossbreeding of several purebreds with the old fighting dog from Cordoba, a dog which was very strong and vigorous. Parfaitement adapté à la vie en famille, le Dogue Argentin a besoin d’une éducation soignée et stricte. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? His strong head is supported by a thick, but elegant neck that connects to a balanced body, which is sustained by straight, substantial forelegs and very muscular, medium-angulated hindquarters. L'élevage del Sueño Latino a eu l'honneur d'être invité à juger la race du Dogue Argentin lors de la Concentracion Doguera de Layos (Espagne). When the dog is alert they may be carried semi-erect. … Teeth should be healthy and large. We have plenty of opportunities to get involved in your local community thanks to AKC Breed Clubs located in every state and more than 450 AKC Rescue Network groups across the country. Calme, placide, affectueux, docile, il aime la compagnie et a besoin du contact de son maître. Cliquez ici pour référencer votre élevage de Dogue Argentin et améliorer votre visibilité sur Internet Angel Del Ronda Casa Females are slightly smaller than males and look feminine, but without weakening substance or structure. His expression is alert and intelligent, with a marked hardness. Nous vous invitons à visiter notre site pour mieux connaitre notre élevage de Cane Corso et de Dogue Argentin. L'élevage était juge avec Alicia Mauriño (affixe del Bagual - Espagne) et Cesar Gonzalo Basone (affixe Don Ata - Argentine). Entièrement blanc, il ne passe pas inaperçu! Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! The stop is slightly defined, as a transition from the convex skull to the slightly concave foreface. The occiput is covered by the nape. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. What you feed your dog is an individual choice, but working with your veterinarian and/or breeder will be the best way to determine frequency of meals as a puppy and the best adult diet to increase his longevity. The only tolerable spots are one black or dark-colored patch on the skull but which can also be located on one ear or around one eye or very small dark spots on the ears. The depth of the chest represents at least 50 percent of the height at the withers. dogue argentin,Elevage du domaine du sable blanc, dogue argentin, dogo argentino, chiots dogue argentin Il peut être plus distant avec les étrangers. It is thick at the base, straight and tapers like a saber to the hock joint. Elbows are placed naturally against the chest wall. Very short lips are preferred so that when the dog is holding prey in his mouth, he can still breathe through the commisure at the back corner of his mouth. Il possède la force, l’intelligence et la réactivité d’un sacré sportif. En raison de sa corpulence et de la puissance de sa morsure, le dogo peut se transformer en une arme redoutable s’il est placé entre les mains de propriétaires irresponsables. 3 talking about this. The Dogo Argentino was developed in Argentina by Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez in the 1920s. The muscular topline is highest at the withers and slopes slightly to the croup.
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