I need to restart my game for me to be able to get them moving again. This trainer allows you to change you... Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Mods & Modding Update. smcauley600. Press 5 to make your bodyguards hold their current position. LV • no GDPR false • adFree? - Install Lenny's Simple Trainer and everything mentioned there -Drag the Ist.ini in your Red Dead Redemption 2 root folder Credits: LMS for Lenny's Simple Trainer, NetSSH for his actions list Installation: Go into the Rockstar launcher, Goto settings then click on “Red Dead Redemption 2” Then click on the “OPEN” button next to “View Installation Folder” Once the folder opens drag and drop the file (s) into the folder and either start the game or click “Reload Settings” inside of the menu. 2.5k. lenny mod is cause game to stuck at loading screen for replay missions. I finished the game, and going for all gold medals missions, but I have to remove the mods or else my game get stuck at loading screen...help please. Command your bodyguards to attack people all at once. And when i press F5 ingame, i get both trainers popping up at the same time. [INFO] Waiting for game start, 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:176: Log initialized for example Sadie Adler as CS_Mrsadler, i tried using the clothing changer mod but it didnt work. [INFO] > www.mod-rdr.com How To Install Lenny's Simple Trainer - Red Dead Redemption 2 Go through doors with this. Scaling options - play as tiny or giant characters! If you've ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have … Give yourself unlimited amounts of money! Using Lenny's Simple Trainer, just got a warning that the R* launcher had detected it and warned me that I could be banned from online play. [INFO] Scanning D:\RDR2\Red Dead Redemption 2\LennysSimpleTrainer You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. So i wanted to try this one out. Lenny’s Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. If you’ve ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you. Nudge yourself forward through locked doors and walls. Games. But is it possible to make the atack consistent you think? Uploaded on 2019-11-19 12:09:38 File Size: 910 KB. Europe (metapod) • modrdr • RID c797b015873dbd5af41ab30f0c34ebe2 • Hold F9 to dismiss all of your bodyguards. LSTiniGenerator (for Lenny’s Simple Trainer) This is a simple tool that generates lst.ini files for Lenny’s Simple Trainer. F5: PRESS to open or close the Trainer Menu. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.#bswhynot #rdr2 #installlennys Aim at a Ped and Press 4 to make them enter your vehicle. When my saved game loaded i was greeted by the Rampage menu, like WTF? On 10/24/2020 at 5:23 PM, squidbits said: https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-ped-models/, https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-weapon-models/, https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-teleports/, https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-vehicle-models/, https://www.mod-rdr.com/wiki/list-of-rdr2-scenarios/. Added on 20 November 2019 9:51AM. Total views. I have the experimental feature of block model changes on when this happens, when turning this option back to off and removing the saddle from your horse and then putting it back on everything will go back to normal. I’m having issues when I change the model I can’t move the character, When toggling the "old animal controls" it lets you atack and fly as certain animals but I was woundering if theres anyway to make the atack control more consistent because it only atacks when spamming the left mouse button and only at certain angles and randomly. 2021-01-23 20:34:41 TRACE Patch:86: EasyHook_LhFreeMemory: 7ff71cb50000 marked as freed. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cb90000 Remove all files from your game folder before playing Online. Also works on peds/entites you target. 44. Exploding, incendiary and super explosive ammo! I deleted rampage.asi but left scripthookRDR2 because it was needed for a couple more mods. All settings can now be reloaded while in-game. I didn't know that would create issues. Keep your changed model and outfits when replaying story missions (experimental - does not work for all missions and outfits yet)! So dont wait, select and download Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainers mods - all mods are free, so choose as many as you need. If you've ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you. Yeah, looks like the problem was on my side. Also, how do you change clothes of the main story character NPC's? Red Dead Redemption 2. close. After applying the trainer I have seem to lost everything in my inventory including my rope, Binoculars, fishing rod, Lantern etc. lennys_simple_trainer_07.zip. If you see "System.OutOfMemoryException: STATUS_NO_MEMORY: Failed to allocate memory", please download this fix to your game root directory: www.mod-rdr.com/EasyHookPatch.zip. Any way to fix this? [INFO] Waiting for game start 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cc10000 [INFO] Waiting for game start 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cbb0000 This is a simple tool that generates lst.ini files for Lenny's Simple Trainer. Either a wolf, bear, or cougar, I can't attack. We recommend you to start modding your game with the mods from the best Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainers mods or Top RDR2 Trainers Mods section. videogame_asset My games. How do i fix this? Teleport to anywhere on the map, including your current waypoint. ... Lenny’s Simple Trainer 1.4. Play as any character model and easily switch between your favourites. Video information. Learn more. Having an issue with playing as animals where I cannot attack, regardless if I switch to old controls or not. 1.1. Company; About; Jobs; Resources; Super Godmode - protects against ragdoll too. Features I've had some issues with the Bodyguards.. LMS. Version. 5. Endorsements. Call in a deadly flying eagle to rain death from above! Not sure if it's just me, or this is a problem for everyone. Zolika1351. Hold and Release F9 to make your bodyguards regroup with you. Rampage looks funny too, like words are overlayed on top of each other(not from LST), making text illegible in many parts. Red Dead Redemption 2: LSTiniGenerator (Для Lenny's Simple Trainer) Это простой инструмент, который генерирует файлы lst.ini для Lenny's Simple Trainer. Load multiplayer only weapons, such as the Navy Revolver (Set LoadMPWeapons to true in the ini, please note that this can cause severe side effects due to how we hack in the weapons). Aim at a Ped and Press F8 to make the eagle attack them. [INFO] Found plugin OutfitChanger.dll If you’ve ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you. 20%. You can easily add all models to the trainer using this tool without having to add them one by one. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. RDR2 Lenny’s Simple Trainer 0.2. I hope that one day (if this mod is still in development) that you guys can finally nail the model changes in cutscenes, the horse bug and to fully clean and heal the player because other than that, this trainer (and the other pretty much must have mods like RDRFR and Outfit Changer) are the best and have added so much more for me to the game. Doesn't matter which bird or flying animal I choose. Thank you for checking out my channel and my videoinstalling Lenny's simple trainerLenny's simple trainer 1.4https://www.mod-rdr.com/downloads/rdr2/mods/7-lennys-simple-trainer/Scripthookhttp://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2all peds model listhttps://www.mod-rdr.com/downloads/rdr2/mods/39-istini-for-lennys-simple-trainer-all-itemspedsweapons/?do=download\u0026csrfKey=2e74417aae265509838e0c8295069c87SUBSCRIBE for more Videos -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoObJikesRzTg-JFfpPRELw?sub_confirmation=1Red Dead Redemption 2https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU-WigGBOsGlifEhOEebrfLFJurassic World Evolutionhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU_JAG-JJ8Mrl3UF1oOvbYpFGTA 5https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU_7eqep-snInQNf4d61RqHMTotally Accurate Battle Simulatorhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU8jvrYcbM-Dd-7lhA1KrVM2Animal Revolt Battle Simulatorhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU_NpdPbN3ID3cB2NTMGABj8Sandbox Universe 2https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU9pbbTqmUZmO0Q3nkoDI_LyUltimate Epic BattleSimulatorhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXzcRzrsZrU-A2oKBmnl05sGOwBeUqlsgbuy the game https://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption2/America, 1899. Any clue how to get them back? On our website, you can find a great variety of video game mods files. congratulations to lennys simple trainer because it managed to break my game PERMANENTLY. Red Dead Redemption 2. close. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. Character models, bodyguard models, weapon models, settings and teleport positions can be customized in the lst.ini file while the game is running: If you are having trouble running Lenny's Simple Trainer, please check the log file. RDR2 Lenny’s Simple Trainer 0.2. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:225: Found LhFreeMemory at 7ffa64225270 Is there a fix for this or am I doing somthing wrong? Lenny's Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. Hi there. Checking out the first script mod called Lenny's Simple Trainer by LMS. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lenny's Simple Trainer, how to use it on campaing, and still play online later ? About This File Lenny’s Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of cool and useful stuff. It's easy! I turned on "old controls for animals" so i could fly as birds but i still couldnt attack as a cougar , bear or wolf. Birds still can't fly. Speed up and slow down the game's time scale (slow motion!). You can easily add all models to the trainer using this tool without having to add them one by one. It would greatly improve some of the larger carnivores funtime XD. Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod Lets You Become The Smollest (Or Biggest) Rootin’ Tootin’ Cowboy. Each Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod is specific and has unique options, so you have a lot of possible variations. Any idea how to fix? 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cb50000 Since the new update, this and every other trainer that has model swap causes the same looping damage sounds and instant ragdoll, also cores stay capped at 1/4. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:233: Found LhFreeMemory inlined at 7ffa64228968 The end of the Wild West era has begun. Added option to restore old animal controls to control birds again and re-enable actions such as attacking when playing as certain animals (in models menu), Added keybind option to toggle animal control scheme (see lst.ini for "ToggleAnimalControlsKey"), Ported reload-fix from RDRFR to allow weapon reloading when playing as NPCs. Sign up for a new account in our community. Just something I wanted to bring to the attention of the devs for this so they can (hopefully) fix it in the future, when playing as a different model through RDRFR "wardrobe", your horse's saddle and on some occasions, its' mane and tail as well, will become invisible. Easy temp fix if this happens to anyone, took me a long time to figure this out. I've only touched story mode and have only used it in story mode and have no intention of using it online. I deleted rampage.asi, this was the only file that came with rampage trainer. However, the best thing is to take a look yourself – scroll through our RDR2 Mods and find the needed file, which will give you a great boost! ... LSTiniGenerator (for Lenny's Simple Trainer) LSTiniGenerator (for Lenny's Simple Trainer) Endorsements. Mod name Notes; AB Scripthook: Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission. like super ultra permanently. We recommend that you disable autosaves before using this trainer. i cant change my outfit in any way, i tried everything and parts of my character is invisible. Of course without deleting scripthookRDR2... L.E. About This File Lenny’s Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of cool and useful stuff. And yes, stuff still works when i select stuff from rampage trainer. F12: Log your current position (and some other info) to the logfile. Zolika1351's Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainer details, category:trainers Help Connect. If i delete rampage.asi but don't install LST, rampage trainer doesn't load with the game. [INFO] RDR 2 Outfit Changer 0.5 by LMS & Sam. Change player gender when playing as an animal, Option to disable the sniper in New Austin, Make your horse invincible, enable unlimited stamina and change horse gender on the fly, Enable unlimited stamina and dead eye for the player, Make bodyguards invincible (god mode) and explosion proof (super god mode), Increase honor, decrease honor, set to min and max. ... New Lenny's Simple Trainer 07; New Lenny's Simple Trainer 07. Thanks to the Lenny's Simple Trainer mod, Red Dead Redemption 2 players on PC can modify the game in a variety of ways. So er, I love this trainer however I can't use more than 21 bodyguards, yes I can SPAWN an unlimited amount but whats the point of spawning unlimited when only 21 of them will ever actually be bodyguards to you? Simple Trainer with many features -- Controller Supported Requirements Off-site requirements. Download Lenny's Simple Trainer 0.2 - a simple trainer from Lenny for Red Dead Redemption 2 and other files from the category Scripts for Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile version of the website Complete version of the website If you've ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have … I’ve tried mouse1 and f to attack but nothing. Windows download manager ... 2, 5, 0 - navigate menu Apostrophe (on US layout) - move forward through door ... Lenny's Simple Trainer. Spawn any wagon, coach, vehicle, etc. Zolika1351's Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainer. F11: PRESS to teleport to waypoint. Anything I haven't tried that I should do to fix this? The weapon wheel doesn't contain the lasso or any primary/secondary weapons and he drops any weapon when unequipped. Configuration 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:181: Loaded EasyHook64.dll at 7ffa64210000 I guess the scriphook scanned that folder as well and some things clashed. first off excellent work on this trainer however i would like to request an option to save what i enable so i dont have to go in every time i boot up in simple trainer v for gtav there is an option to save to ini and what ever is enabled stays saved hopefully you can do this for this game thanks so much for your hard work. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cbd0000 If you do not get a logfile, please launch the game as administrator and make sure the folder is writable! Here you have the full access to Red Dead Redemption 2 Trainers free files. After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. [INFO] Waiting for game start 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cbf0000 Also the "heal and clean" option in the trainer doesn't always work. The new mod, Lenny's Simple Trainer 0.2, allows players to swap Arthur's character model with any other in the game, spawn companion NPCs on … An .INI file for Lenny’s Simple Trainer, Adds all of the actions, Guns and more Models. Ok, so i went ahead and got LST, copied all the required files in main folder and started the game. how do you attack as animals? Do not attempt to play Online with this trainer. If you’ve ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you. I'm having an issue when playing as some of the models like teen Jack. Installation [INFO] Loaded OutfitChanger.dll Red Dead Redemption 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:217: Found LhAllocateMemoryEx at 7ffa64225180 If i try to navigate, i do so in both. I have a little bit of a predicament. Can't jump as an animal either. Lenny's Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. Bodyguards also crash the game sometimes, at least.. Games. Was wondering about this as well; since the updated trainer, when I try to re-play a previous mission before the Epilogue, I get a constant, flashing damage state, as well as Arthur's model flickering constantly. so use it carefully. Lenny’s Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Uploaded by skeeze415. 19 Nov, 2019. An .INI file for Lenny’s Simple Trainer, Adds all of the actions, Guns and more Models. Play hundreds of player actions and scenarios like swinging pickaxes! I have installed rampage trainer with the obligatory scriphookRDR2 by A.Blade before i knew about LST. ". or better yet which animals are considered the ones that can attack. Anything that can be fixed? If you’ve ever wanted to play as a wolf, soar in the skies as an eagle or have a personal bodyguard, then this is the mod for you. VORTEX. RDR2 Lenny's Simple Trainer 0.2 - DELETED at Red Dead Redemption 2 Nexus - Mods and community. in the game. videogame_asset My games. All you need to do is drag the files into your game root folder - the one where RDR 2 is installed. Lenny's Simple Trainer is a mod for Red Dead Redemption II that lets you do a bunch of awesome things in RDR 2, including clear your current wanted level, give yourself money, and much more. I think they're causing it. Disconnected. When the game launches, you should hear a few beeping sounds, indicating that the trainer is loaded. 2021-01-23 20:34:12 TRACE Patch:201: Allocated 65536 bytes at 7ff71cb70000 NumPad 0: HOLD and PRESS Left/Right/Up/Down/PgUp/PgDn to nudge the player, forward, up, left, backwards, etc. side note: when it get pass loading screen, i don't know how to explain this, but it's like arthur is going in and out of dimensions. 19,207. Make any ped enter or leave your vehicle (you can fill entire wagons!). Is there just something wrong with my trainer? I have the latest one so idk if it would be that >.>. why the bonding horse is error ?, it's work for a seconds but won't saving or stay longer, lol i just did it wrong and got frusturated im not tech savvy at all and i managed to fuck that simple task up aha, This mod flat out doesn't work, I hear the beeps when the game starts but pushing F5 in game does nothing, [INFO] HookManager::Initialize Backspace to return to the previous page. Also can't attack as an animal. Do not save your game as a changed character model. Features Its allready amazing that you've been able to implement a animal control toggle, hats off to that! Sometimes they'll just stop in their tracks and no matter what I do, they don't move. Filter red dead redemption 2 mods list red dead redemption 2 mod list It's only happened when they're there, anyway. Diablo 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Nioh 2 The Medium Metro Exodus Hitman 3 WIKI Cyberpunk 2077 Nioh 2 Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood Hitman 3 Red Dead Redemption 2 Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version. If upgrading from a previous version, always use the new lst.ini file.