Un indice très sérieux et très suivi par les agents de change, créé par l'hebdomadaire britannique des affaires The Economist. En zone euro, il nous faut débourser en moyenne 4,64 dollars pour déguster un Big Mac. T HE BIG MAC index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. – YouTube", Big Mac Index in text format for analysis, UBS Prices and Earnings Report 2006: Dublin is 8th most expensive city but 3rd highest for net earnings, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Big_Mac_Index&oldid=997204113, Articles with dead external links from June 2020, Wikipedia pages semi-protected from banned users, Articles needing additional references from October 2013, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, the implied purchasing power parity was $1.56 to £1, that is $3.57/£2.29 = 1.56, this compares with an actual exchange rate of $2.00 to £1 at the time, This page was last edited on 30 December 2020, at 13:15. In the Big Mac Index, the basket in question is a single Big Mac burger as sold by the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain. [18] Prices of Big Macs can also vary greatly between different areas within a country. For example, using figures in July 2008:[4]. Hier kommt der Gold Mac Index: Der GMI von Gold.de", "Prices and Earnings: A Comparison of Purchasing Power Around the Globe", "Chai Latte: Origin, Economic Implications and Global Index", "Lies, flame-grilled lies and statistics", "The KFC Index Report by Sagaci Research", "Expenditures of urban and rural households in 2011", "Big Mac Index Counts Ruble as Most Undervalued Currency", "Moscow Is Now the World's Most Expensive City", "Moreno pierde la batalla: el Big Mac sale del freezer y aumenta 26% su precio", "Big Mac? En comparant le prix d’un hamburger préparé chez McDonald’s aux États-Unis avec ceux vendus dans d’autres pays, les investisseurs peuvent se faire une idée de la disparité existant entre les pouvoirs d’achat des devises nationales. The Chicken Maharaja Mac serves as a substitute for the Big Mac. [13], Global personal finance comparison website, Finder.com, released a more comprehensive Starbucks Index in 2019, which analyzed coffee prices for a tall latte in 76 countries and autonomous regions around the world. Not really, as Australian version of burger downsized", "McDonalds leaves Iceland. Chaque année, l'hebdomadaire The Economist dresse la liste des différents prix du Big Mac dans les principales zones géographiques. Mais pourquoi avoir choisi un hamburger ? The Big Mac PPP exchange rate between two countries is obtained by dividing the price of a Big Mac in one country (in its currency) by the price of a Big Mac in another country (in its currency). They no longer prominently advertised Big Macs for sale and the sandwich, both individually and as part of value meals, was being sold for an unusually low price compared to other items. Il permet de mesurer le temps de travail nécessaire pour pouvoir s’acheter le fameux sandwich dans chaque pays. Afin d’établir un taux de change « implicite », selon le magazine britannique, le prix (dans la devise d’origine) du Big Mac dans chacun des pays est simplement divisé par le prix du sandw… For these reasons, the index enables a comparison between many countries' currencies. [1] Metodologia. [6], Bloomberg L.P. introduced the Billy index where they convert local prices of IKEA's Billy bookshelf into US dollars and compare the prices.[7][8][9][10]. Six most expensive (18 July 2018) This statistic shows the most expensive places to buy a Big Mac. bucket to compile its data).[17]. Les pays nordiques auraient donc, selon cet indice, un niveau de vie plus élevé que les pays du Sud. Au départ, c’est une boutade de quelques journalistes du très sérieux magazine The Economist. L’indice Big Mac est un indice inventé en 1986 par le magazine hebdomadaire anglophone The Economist dont le but est de mesurer la parité de pouvoir d’achat entre les pays. Retrouvez plus d'infos sur le site Sputnik France Golden arch removed from Reykjavik restaurant. Thus the relative prices reflect more than currency values. Pour cela, ils s’appuient sur le prix d’un produit unique : le Big Mac. Big Mac index - the cost of a burger in McDonald's network. For example, in January 2004, it showed a Tall Latte index with the Big Mac replaced by a cup of Starbucks coffee. Initialement proposé à titre facétieux, cet indice est devenu un sujet d'étude sérieux pour plusieurs économistes. There is a lot of variance with the exclusively beef "Big Mac": the Australian version of the Big Mac has 22% fewer Calories than the Canadian version, and is 8% lighter than the version sold in Mexico.[24]. As of April 2009, the Big Mac was trading in Germany at €2.99, which translates into US$3.96, which would imply that the euro was trading above the PPP, with the difference being 10.9%. While economists widely cite the Big Mac index as a reasonable real-world measurement of purchasing power parity,[15][16] the burger methodology has some limitations. L'Indice Big Mac a été inventé en 1986 et se fonde sur la théorie de la parité des pouvoirs d'achat. McDonald’s est aujourd’hui le symbole par excellence de la mondialisation : 70 millions de consommateurs issus de 120 pays fréquentent chaque jour l’un des 33 0… Tous les prix relevés sont convertis en dollars américains, selon les taux de change en vigueur. Ce dernier est considéré comme un indicateur permettant de comparer les niveaux de pouvoir dachat entre plusieurs économies. Ceci est une statistique sur le prix du Big Mac dans le monde en janvier 2019, en euros (au cours du marché). However, the value of this pair is currently quoted around 0.94 in Forex, which makes the Swiss currency overvalued by the market by 20.94%. Actualités, analyses, multimédia. The report included a Latte Line, which measured the correlation between the price of coffee and a country's GDP.[14]. At 6.91 U.S. dollars, Switzerland has the most expensive Big Macs in the world, according to the July 2020 Big Mac index. Si le Big Mac coûte la petite fortune de 6,76 dollars en Suisse, il ne coûte que 5,58 dollars dans son pays d’origine en janvier 2019. For example, a hamburger costs only €1 in France, and €1.50 in Belgium, but overall, McDonald's restaurants in both countries cost roughly the same. L’indice salarial Big Mac est une variante du premier indice. [28], Six slowest earned (July 2015) This statistic shows the average working time required to buy one Big Mac in selected cities around the world in 2015. Cet indice prend donc en compte le salaire minimum légal dans chaque pays et le compare avec le prix du Big Mac en dollars. Lebanese pound overvalued by the market by 4.25%. The Big Mac index was introduced in The Economist in September 1986 by Pam Woodall[2] as a semi-humorous illustration of PPP and has been published by that paper annually since then. Social status of eating at fast food restaurants such as McDonald's in a local market, what proportion of sales might be to expatriates, local taxes, levels of competition, and import duties on selected items may not be representative of the country's economy as a whole. In addition, there is no theoretical reason why non-tradable goods and services such as property costs should be equal in different countries: this is the theoretical reason for PPPs being different from market exchange rates over time. Par exemple, si vous recherchez la Corse tapez : corse, france, Vous recherchez un itinéraire ? [23][22] In June 2012, the price of the Big Mac value meal suddenly rose by 26%, closer to that of other meals, after The Economist, The New York Times, and other media reported on the unusual pricing. The gap between its average annual rate of burger inflation (19%) and its official rate (10%) is far bigger than in any other country. En 1986, un petit groupe de collègues du journal britannique “The Economist” propose un indicateur de comparaison du coût de la vie dans différents pays du monde. Invented in 1986 by The Economist, the index monitors the prices of the Big Mac hamburger in various countries around the world and compares them according to the theory of purchasing power parity. En comparant le prix d’un hamburger préparé chez McDonald’s aux États-Unis avec ceux vendus dans d’autres pays, les investisseurs peuvent se faire une idée de la disparité existant entre les pouvoirs d’achat des devises nationales. The relative cost of high-margin products, such as essential pharmaceutical products, or cellular telephony might compare local capacity and willingness to pay, as much as relative currency values. Retrouvez l'émission en réécoute gratuite et abonnez-vous au podcast ! The Big Mac Index is published by The Economist as an informal way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a test of the extent to which market exchange rates result in goods costing the same in different countries. L’indice Big Mac est un indice inventé en 1986 par le magazine hebdomadaire anglophone The Economist dont le but est de mesurer la parité de pouvoir d’achat entre les pays. L’indice Big Mac est donc un outil pour mieux comprendre et, avec cette infographie interactive, pour visualiser la théorie de la parité des pouvoirs d’achat et les notions de sur- et de sous-évaluation des taux de change. Vous ne trouvez pas un lieu à l'aide du moteur de recherche ? L’indice Big Mac est un indicateur informel permettant de mesurer la parité de pouvoir d’achat (PPA) entre deux devises. Indice Big Mac. Guillermo Moreno, Secretary of Commerce in the Kirchner government, reportedly forced McDonald's to sell the Big Mac at an artificially low price to manipulate the country's performance on the Big Mac index. Aidez-vous du moteur de recherche des itinéraires du site, Le planificateur de voyages, road-trips et tour du monde, Planifiez, profitez de votre voyage et partagez le en toute simplicité, Classement des pays par coût d'un Big Mac (indice Big Mac). O Índice Big Mac, oficialmente Big Mac Index é um índice calculado sobre o preço do Big Mac em mais de cem países, criado em 1986 e é calculado pela The Economist, tendo como foi criado para explicar um conceito econômico chamado paridade de poder de compra. Comme le montre le graphique réalisé par Statista, le Big Mac le … Considering that Big Mac costs 6.91 francs in Switzerland, the USD/CHF rate expressed in the Big Mac Index terms should be 1.14 francs per dollar. For example, a Big Mac sold in New York City will be more expensive than one sold at a McDonald's located in a rural area.[19]. Not all Big Mac burgers offered by the chain are exclusively beef. Vendu dans 118 pays à travers le monde, Mac Donald's et son Big Mac sont devenus universels. Chaque année, l'hebdomadaire The Economist dresse la liste des différents prix du Big Mac dans les principales zones géographiques. The Economist sometimes produces variants on the theme. Qu'est ce que l'indice Big Mac ? Les données de l'indice Big Mac dans le monde proviennent du site The Economist. This is a simple currency converter that uses the Big Mac Index currency data as a base. [12], In 2017, the comparison platform Versus did a version called The Chai Latte Global Index, comparing Starbucks Chai Latte prices worldwide, by first converting the local prices into USD. Les journalistes ont donc eu l’idée de prendre pour référence le hamburger phare de la chaîne de restauration rapide la plus connue dans le monde : le Big Mac. Le Big Mac français est l'un des plus chers au monde INFOGRAPHIE - En France, le prix du Big Mac s'élève à 3,90 euros alors que dans la zone euro, le prix moyen de ce burger est de 3,68 euros. Gold-Mac-Index: The value of the purchasing power for 1 g of gold (Gold.de:[11] calculation of the gold price average of the corresponding year), how many burgers one got for 1 g gold. In many countries, eating at international fast-food chain restaurants such as McDonald's is relatively expensive in comparison to eating at a local restaurant, and the demand for Big Macs is not as large in countries such as India as in the United States. A Swiss bank has expanded the idea of the Big Mac index to include the amount of time that an average local worker in a given country must work to earn enough to buy a Big Mac. If the price of a Big Mac low then we can say that the prices in the country are low, even if the high prices are relatively high. L’indice Big Mac en replay sur France Culture. The index, created in 1986, takes its name from the Big Mac, a hamburger sold at McDonald's restaurants. L’ indice Big Mac est une mesure fruste de parité de pouvoir d'achat (PPA), inventée par le magazine The Economist en 1986. Inventé en 1986 par le magazine The Economist, l'indice Big Mac permet notamment de comparer le pouvoir d'achat d'un pays par rapport à un autre. This value is then compared with the actual exchange rate; if it is lower, then the first currency is under-valued (according to PPP theory) compared with the second, and conversely, if it is higher, then the first currency is over-valued. Le but de cet indice est de tester de façon ludique si le taux de change d'un pays face au dollar est sous-évalué ou sur-évalué, en se basant sur le principe de la parité du pouvoir d'achat. Pour mener cette étude, The Economist a relevé le prix du sandwich au 1er juillet dans la zone euro et dans quarante-huit autres pays à travers le monde. Overall, the price of a Big Mac will be a reflection of its local production and delivery cost, the cost of advertising (considerable in some areas), and most importantly what the local market will bear – quite different from country to country, and not all a reflection of relative currency values. Ainsi un indice Big Mac basé sur le coût de production serait bien plus parlant. The so-called Big Mac index is regarded as an indicator for the purchasing power of … Vous êtes ici : Prix d'un Big Mac (Indice Big Mac) 1: Europe: Suisse: 7.54 US$ 2: Europe: Norvège: 6.3 US$ 3: Europe: Danemark: 5.38 US$ 4: Amérique du sud: Brésil: 5.21 US$ 5: Europe: Suède: 4.97 US$ 6: Amérique du nord: États-Unis: 4.79 US$ 7: Europe: Finlande: 4.75 US$ 8: Amérique du nord: Canada: 4.64 US$ 9: Amérique du sud: Uruguay: 4.63 US$ 10: Europe: France: 4.52 US$ 11: Océanie: Nouvelle-Zélande: 4.49 US$ 12… Concurrently the cost of a Big Mac … (Table)", "Big Mac Index? [28], Learn how and when to remove this template message, presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention, "Burgernomics: Why the price of a Big Mac may hold the key to better investment returns", "Sandwiched: Burgernomics says currencies are very dear in Europe but very cheap in Asia)", The Local: Billy bookshelf does battle with Big Mac Index, "Dagens Handel: Billy-index utmanar Big Mac", "Ikea Billy Bookshelf Index Shows Lowest Price in U.A.E. The Big Mac (and virtually all sandwiches) vary from country to country with differing nutritional values, weights and even nominal size differences. Spécifiez votre recherche en indiquant le pays. L'Indice Big Mac est publié chaque année depuis maintenant plus de 25 ans par le très sérieux journal "The Economist". [27], Six cheapest (18 July 2018) This statistic shows the least expensive places to buy a Big Mac. "[16] That year the press began reporting on unusual behavior by the more than 200 Argentinean McDonald's restaurants. Ainsi, chaque année depuis 1986, le très sérieux hebdomadaire The Economist publie son indice Big Mac . Pour que des comparaisons internationales soient réalistes, il faut que les produits comparés soient rigoureusement les mêmes. L’ indice Big Mac est une mesure fruste de parité de pouvoir d'achat (PPA), inventée par le magazine The Economist en 1986. McDonald's et son Big Mac sont bien des symboles de … Big Mac contains meat, vegetables, cheese, bread and other foods. Les données ci-dessous représentent donc le fameux indice Big Mac pour lannée 2017. In 2020, Brazil was the Latin American country in which buying a Big Mac was the most expensive. C'est l'indice Big Mac. The Eurozone is mixed, as prices differ widely in the EU area. L’indice Big Mac est un indicateur informel permettant de mesurer la parité de pouvoir d’achat (PPA) entre deux devises. Nevertheless, McDonald's is also using different commercial strategies which can result in huge differences for a product. The Big Mac Index is limited by geographical coverage, due to the presence of the McDonald's franchise. The Big Mac was chosen because it is available to a common specification in many countries around the world as local McDonald's franchisees at least in theory have significant responsibility for negotiating input prices. [5], In 2007, an Australian bank tried a variation the Big Mac index, being an "iPod index": since the iPod is manufactured at a single place, the value of iPods should be more consistent globally. It "seeks to make exchange-rate theory a bit more digestible."[1]. Ce produit présente l’intérêt d’avoir les mêmes co… [25][26] Fish and lamb are produced in Iceland, while beef is often imported (but also exported). Big Mac est une marque commerciale [1] attachée à un hamburger commercialisé par McDonald’s, une chaîne de restauration rapide américaine.Lancé dans la ville américaine de Pittsburgh en 1967 et dans tous les États-Unis en 1968, le Big Mac est l'une des préparations phares de l’enseigne. A Buenos Aires newspaper stated "Moreno loses the battle".[23]. [20][21] Standard food ingredients are cheap in Russia, while restaurants suitable for business dinners with English speaking staff are expensive. [22] The Economist stated in January 2011 that Big Mac index "does support claims that Argentina's government is cooking the books. At the time, a Big Mac in Iceland cost 650 krona ($5.29), and the 20% price increase that would have been needed to stay in business would have increased that cost to 780 krona ($6.36). Découvrez ci-dessous une sélection des prix des Big Mac dans le monde. On 1 November 2009, all three of the McDonald's in Iceland closed, primarily due to the chain's high cost of importing most of the chain's meat and vegetables, by McDonald's demands and standards, from the Eurozone. It also includes the cost of renting space and equipment, labor, and other factors. It is based on … One other example is that Russia has one of the cheapest Big Macs, despite the fact that Moscow is the most expensive city in the world. The Big Mac Index is published by The Economist as an informal way of measuring the purchasing power parity (PPP) between two currencies and provides a test of the extent to which market exchange rates result in goods costing the same in different countries. The index also gave rise to the word burgernomics.[3]. Critics of the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina and many economists believe that the government has for years falsified consumer price data to understate the country's true inflation rate. For example, in Africa McDonald's is only present in Morocco, Egypt and South Africa (there has been a similar index created solely for Africa called the "KFC Index": as the name suggests, instead of using a Big Mac, this index uses KFC's Original 15 pc. In India – which is a predominantly Hindu country – beef burgers are not available at any McDonald's outlets. One suggested method of predicting exchange rate movements is that the rate between two currencies should naturally adjust so that a sample basket of goods and services should cost the same in both currencies. In some markets, a high-volume and low-margin approach makes most sense to maximize profit, while in others a higher margin will generate more profit. However, this theory can be criticised for ignoring shipping costs, which will vary depending on how far the product is delivered from its "single place" of manufacture in China. [27], Six fastest earned (July 2015) This statistic shows the average working time required to buy one Big Mac in selected cities around the world in 2015. It "seeks to make exchange-rate theory a bit more digestible."